The Lessons Unlimited Partner Location Program has been designed to make it easy for primary and secondary educational institutions to easily and effortlessly add high-quality extracurricular music programming to their existing extracurricular offerings. Our amazing music instructor faculty travel to each partner location and conduct lessons on-site for the members of each community.
Partner location setup and program creation with Lessons Unlimited is an easy, fast process. We custom tailor our programs to the meet the specific needs of both the institutions interested in hosting us, as well as the families that they serve. We tailor our academic calendar and scale our staffing to match each Partner Locations’ community needs. Imagine the reactions an email or newsletter might garner from a parent community announcing that your educational institution is confidently and proudly now offering a multi-subject extracurricular music lesson program for private or group music lessons in most common classical and contemporary instrument subjects. We want our partner locations to be the heroes of their community!
We have designed this program to minimally impact our partner locations; no additional liability burdens in cost, staffing, or administration required. Lessons Unlimited handles all of the heavy lifting for this program. We take care of the program administration, staffing, coordination, and the billing and collections process entirely. All we ask of our Partner Locations is to reserve available room resources to teach from for Lessons Unlimited weekly use, and to remind their community a few times per year that music lessons are available on-site. You might have to field a few thank you calls from parents once they begin to enjoy all of the benefits and conveniences that we bring, but other than that we can’t see any downsides.
We have been working with St. Louis Missouri metro schools since 2001 and we understand the logistical complexities of being a service vendor to schools and communities like yours. We understand how much time and effort it takes to grow and maintain a healthy academic community, and the importance of remaining a prestigious brand to the community at large. We know the importance of the steps you have already taken for your community, and are respectful of any people or extracurricular relationships you already have in place, including those with competing offerings to our own. Your organization leaders get to design the scope and shape of our extracurricular music lessons program within your school, utilizing as much or as little of our offering as is right for your institution.